Teaching Monarch Conservation
Jane Talesnick, M.Ed.



Larvae (Caterpillars)

Pupa (Chrysalis)
Adult Butterfly
Why learn about raising monarch butterflies?
Raising monarchs brings joy, awe and wonder to every single person-from infancy to
elderly! It connects people with butterflies, who are not only beautiful, but are important pollinators for plants and vegetation. This love affair created through caring and sustaining monarchs' survival is something that we all can relate to because we all need fresh food, shelter and a safe, clean home.
No matter the person’s age, caring for one’s own caterpillar (larva) brings a sense of
responsibility for a life that is dependent on a clean environment and a particular food.
For example, it is very gratifying to feed a caterpillar milkweed and see it grow
exponentially! The miraculous transformation from finding an egg the size of a pin
head that a monarch laid on a milkweed leaf, observing a teeny tiny caterpillar hatch
out of that egg, and watching it grow more than 1000 times its original size over the
course of a few weeks, and transforming from a chrysalis to a butterfly emerging is
incomprehensible. Truly, seeing is believing.
Monarchs are on the verge of becoming an endangered species.
Each one of us has an opportunity to help
conservation efforts by learning about Monarchs and their habitat, and helping replenish them through increasing pollinator gardens and planting more milkweed.
Every being deserves to see a monarch fluttering by their window.
About Jane
Professional Monarch Education Consultant

Jane is a passionate, Early Childhood Master Educator and Consultant who started raising monarch butterflies with toddlers and preschoolers in her home child care program. Subsequently, she has taken courses with environmentalists and lepidopterists to learn more about monarch's unique significance in our ecosystem.
Jane seeks to inspire and educate our youngest children, parents, teachers and older adults. Through hands on curriculum, Jane teaches about monarch’s unique life cycle, food source and habitation. She also teaches how to help monarch's prosper and stave off endangerment.
She has taught adults at the Chicago Botanic Gardens, lectured at the Oakton Infant-Toddler Conference, facilitated workshops at Good Shepherd Child Care Programs, and worked directly with toddlers through third graders in classrooms and camps.

Jane's Tailored Programs
Jane specializes in teaching people of all ages how to rear healthy monarch butterflies. Her programs are tailored specifically towards four target groups: Children, Adults, Teachers, and Families. Whether you are looking to learn more about the monarch life cycle or want to start a long-term project, Jane's team will work with you to fill specific needs and timelines.
Jane looks forward to guiding you on your journey to becoming a monarch butterfly expert.

Ethical and health risks associated with
mail order butterfly kits and in-home breeding

1. Genetic diversity and inbreeding: The butterflies provided in mail order kits are often bred in large-scale commercial facilities. These breeding practices may prioritize quantity over genetic diversity, leading to potential inbreeding. Reduced genetic diversity can make butterflies more susceptible to diseases and other health issues. If one insect becomes infected, it could spread to others and potentially cause mass mortality (Preston, 2020; Maeckle, 2018)
2. Stress and mortality: The process of shipping live caterpillars can be stressful for the insects and may lead to a higher mortality rate. They are subjected to various environmental conditions, including temperature fluctuations and rough handling (Monarch Butterfly Life).
3. Unnatural diet: Butterfly kits often provide artificial food sources for the caterpillars. In the wild, butterflies have specific dietary needs based on their species. The food provided in the kits may not adequately fulfill these nutritional requirements, leading to health problems or stunted growth (MissionMonarchs.Com)
For information finding milkweed: